December 2021


Ethereum will become cheaper

Active users of Ethereum cryptocurrency started to receive Gas DAO management tokens for free. Tokens were distributed by the decentralized autonomous organization of the same name, which aims to reduce the commission for transactions in the network. GAS tokens will be…


Polygon updated its historical high

Altcoin increased by 6% in 24 hours after its network launched the decentralized exchange Uniswap V3. The asset gained 69% over the month. The price of Polygon token (MATIC) renewed its all-time high above $2.7, rising nearly 6% in the last…

BitMEX crypto exchange

BitMEX exchange will launch its own token

The new altcoin will be distributed on February 1, 2022. Crypto derivatives exchange BitMEX will issue its own token BMEX. The trading floor will hold an altcoin distribution on February 1, 2022. Users of the platform can get altcoin in the…


How the PARSIQ platform works

Grayscale estimates that the annual revenue of the Web3-metauniverse sector will reach $1 trillion in the near future, challenging Web2-projects with a total capitalization of $15 trillion. PARSIQ is developing a platform of the same name to unite these segments. We…

The price of bitcoin

The price of Bitcoin has fallen to $47,000

The price of bitcoin is decreasing on Friday, December 17th. According to CoinMarketCap, the first cryptocurrency is currently trading at $47,616.54 (-2.36 percent) as of morning. Ether fell to $3951.52 (-1.43%). Binance Coin fell 0.45% to $530.44. FxPro’s team of analysts…