After the successful launch of phase 0 of Ethereum 2.0, Vitalik Buterin published an updated roadmap for the further stages of the development of the new blockchain.
The current development of Ethereum 2.0 is divided into phases. This week, phase 0 of Ethereum 2.0 was launched: the “signal chain” (Beacon Chain), which made stealing available. Once Phase 1 is deployed, Data Sharding will appear to enhance storage without directly affecting application performance. Once Phase 2 is activated, Transaction Sharding will be presented and a throughput of several thousand transactions per second will be provided. The network will completely switch to the Proof-of-stake consensus, and ETH1 and ETH2 will unite.
Today, Vitalik Buterin announced the adoption of a new Ethereum 2.0 roadmap, which has become more flexible and completely excludes terms such as phase 1 and phase 2. The characterization of each phase is now more independent of each other and includes work done for Ethereum 1.x.
The updated roadmap covers all developments of the Ethereum team and provides a detailed overview of the further development of the platform, including an approximate timeline for activating updates.
The key features of the next important milestone are the transition of Ethereum 1.0 to Proof-of-Stake, the introduction of easy customers Eth2 to Eth1 and data sharing. All this was previously planned within phases 1 and 1.5. An important change to the new road map has been that the three phases are largely independent and can be implemented in parallel.
Major scaling improvements can be achieved by performing the last two functions, since they will allow you to place rollups (rollups) in the structure of data chards. Rollups is a second-tier scaling technology that takes calculations outside the network, but guarantees their correctness using evidence stored inside the network. With this, data sharding can deliver more than 10,000 transactions per second as soon as lightweight clients and sharding are deployed.
However, Buterin said, progress in data charting and light customers is still at or below 50%. This means that it will take at least a year to deploy conditional phase 1.
Progress with stateless clients and Ethereum 1.x is also less than 50%. Work on cryptographic technology of polynomial obligations, which, as Buterin previously said, will be the key to the implementation of non-state-fixing customers, is also far from complete. Similarly, work on many other advanced cryptographic technologies and an improved virtual machine is still at an initial stage.
After the publication of the roadmap, Buterin called for the introduction of EIP 1559 as soon as possible. It is designed to solve problems with the existing transaction fee model, which forces users to pay more than necessary.