Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are fundamentally necessary for Western countries. This is the opinion of well-known cryptoskeptic David Heinemeyer Hansson, who admitted that his previous statements about the first cryptocurrency were wrong.
The developer of Ruby on Rails web framework stated about it in his blog on Hey website. Hansson says that the realization of his mistaken position came to him amid protests by truckers in Canada.
He previously thought cryptocurrencies were only relevant in developing or authoritarian countries like Venezuela, China and Iran. Therefore, he said, “stable Western democracies” governed by the “rule of law” have little need for blockchain.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies critic admits he was wrong
“I have to admit I am wrong about the fundamental need for cryptocurrencies in Western countries,” Hansson stressed. He also called all supporters of the first cryptocurrency “bitcoin geeks” and prophets.
The developer admitted that his decision to abandon cryptocurrency was hasty. “Instead, the fundamental freedom of transactions, which we defend with all our might, should be valued,” the former bitcoin critic urged.
In late January, Canadian Ottawa was gripped by protests by truck drivers against the introduction of vaccination passports for travel to the United States. The Freedom Convoy actions lasted for three weeks and targeted the policies of the Justin Trudeau government as a whole.
Sympathizers from around the world helped the protesters with funds, including cryptocurrency. But on February 17, the Ontario Supreme Court froze millions of dollars in those accounts.
It’s worth noting that cryptocurrency was a real eye opener for charity in 2021. The number of donations, which passed through the Giving Block platform, increased 15 times – up to $69 million.