SIGEN.pro -The Free TON project is based on the open code Telegram Open Network Pavel Durov, the launch of which was stopped due to claims by the US SEC regulator. The launch of a new project based on the already developed TON blockchain code was supported by more than 7,000 companies and individuals, including developers from TON Labs.
One of the first cryptocurrency platforms to fully support the new Free TON project was the SIGEN.pro platform registered in Scotland, which believes in the implementation of Pavel Durov’s idea of decentralization and protection from censorship. The platform itself shares the values of the project and shows this on its own example, without creating obstacles to users on a geographical basis: SIGEN.pro transactions are carried out with all currencies of the world and without commissions.
SIGEN.pro combined an exchange for cryptocurrency trading, a p2p platform protected by Escrow and Social Trust Scoring technologies, as well as an automatic exchanger that allows you to sell or buy cryptocurrencies in one click. Moreover, the platform offers users a multicurrency cryptocurrency and a convenient multifunctional mobile application.
These advantages and a high degree of security with round-the-clock and fully working technical support allow SIGEN.pro to actively increase turnover. According to CryptoCompare, over the past month, from September 10 to October 10, 2020, the innovative platform increased daily trading volumes by 1300%.
The developers of the platform SIGEN.pro noted that the TON Crystal cryptocurrency differs from classic cryptocurrencies in its architecture, and explained how they were among the first in the world to carry out the listing:
“It happened – finally we poured TON Crystal (FreeTON) on our platform – and managed to make it one of the first in the world and the first in the CIS. In these words, we have an insurmountable desire to wipe labor sweat with a mat for a mouse. Believe me, there are good reasons.
TON Crystal is the original cryptocurrency. Its features pave the way for its future, but they also make listing difficult compared to classic coins such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. We will not list all the features of cryptocurrency here – for them welcome to https://freeton.org/main and https://en.freeton.wiki/Free_TON_overview. Let’s stop only at those that affect the listing. To do this, you will have to delve into some technical details, but without this in any way.
The Free TON blockchain is actually a set of blockchains. And we are talking here not just about craftsmen and craftsmen – this concept is quite simple. Masterchain serves the network itself. Workmen – “workhorses” – carry a payload. And what do you say about the chardchain – the sharding mechanism embedded in the system? Or that each block in the network is like a separate blockchain? And we don’t start talking about infinite segmentation. In general, simple listing methods that would be suitable for “linear” blockchains like Bitcoin are clearly not enough.
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