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Asya Kolosova

The best crypto wallets in 2022

There are enough types of crypto wallets. It is difficult to say which one is the best. However, the choice should depend on preferences and goals. Hardware crypto wallets Ledger Nano-X. The company has been operating since 2014. This is…

Cardano (ADA) in 2022

What is Cardano (ADA) ? Cardano (ADA) is one of the most popular and largest cryptocurrencies. It ranks seventh among other digital currencies by market capitalization. Last year, the Cardano (ADA) price enough rose to $3.10 per coin. Towards the…

Gambling with cryptocurrencies

Gambling is the most popular and accessible form of entertainment for most. Sometimes the game is used to communicate with friends and even family. However, the online game has made them even more accessible. Ever since online gambling was launched,…

Farming. What is this ?

Farming is one of the methods of earning money. You lend your coins. And then you get a percentage from them. You can also add coins to the liquidity pool. In order to get into the pool, you need to…